Visitor Information
Our Plea
If you are ever in our area (or if you are already living here), we would love for you to visit with us in person. You can find our service times on our home page or at the bottom of this page.
Our Promise
We will do all we can to make you feel welcome. We do not have a “dress code” at Ninth Avenue. We ask only that you dress modestly. We also ask that you silence your phones prior to the commencement of service. Babies are not required to be silenced. As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them....” (Matt. 19:14) We do, however, have a nursery and cry room (see diagram below) for your convenience. Use your discretion concerning mask-wearing.
Our Practice
We typically use the New International Version (NIV) for our public readings, but you are welcome to use any version of your choosing. You might wish to download our custom Ninth Avenue app, which provide multiple versions. As a church of Christ following New Testament teachings and examples, we observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday morning. Communion is open to every baptized believer of the body of Christ.
We hope that you will visit with us soon!
If you are ever in our area (or if you are already living here), we would love for you to visit with us in person. You can find our service times on our home page or at the bottom of this page.
Our Promise
We will do all we can to make you feel welcome. We do not have a “dress code” at Ninth Avenue. We ask only that you dress modestly. We also ask that you silence your phones prior to the commencement of service. Babies are not required to be silenced. As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them....” (Matt. 19:14) We do, however, have a nursery and cry room (see diagram below) for your convenience. Use your discretion concerning mask-wearing.
Our Practice
We typically use the New International Version (NIV) for our public readings, but you are welcome to use any version of your choosing. You might wish to download our custom Ninth Avenue app, which provide multiple versions. As a church of Christ following New Testament teachings and examples, we observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday morning. Communion is open to every baptized believer of the body of Christ.
We hope that you will visit with us soon!
Ariel View
(Showing Parking Limitations)

Interior Diagram
(Showing Points of Interest)