History Of Our Church
How it all started...
Though the Lord established His church on the first day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-47) after His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, she fell away from the truth. For centuries after the departure, the church was relatively unknown among men. Brave men sought to turn men back to God, but many of their efforts resulted only in further confusion and division. Many different religious bodies were created, with each one following its own humanly conceived creed.
Finally, men sought a return to the Bible for the way of performing God’s will. They cried for a restoration of the church that one reads about in the Bible. Honest men preached only what is authorized by the New Testament, and churches of Christ began to be seen again worshiping and serving God as He directed on the pages of His written word.
Though the Lord established His church on the first day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-47) after His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, she fell away from the truth. For centuries after the departure, the church was relatively unknown among men. Brave men sought to turn men back to God, but many of their efforts resulted only in further confusion and division. Many different religious bodies were created, with each one following its own humanly conceived creed.
Finally, men sought a return to the Bible for the way of performing God’s will. They cried for a restoration of the church that one reads about in the Bible. Honest men preached only what is authorized by the New Testament, and churches of Christ began to be seen again worshiping and serving God as He directed on the pages of His written word.

Bill Dorriety wrote, “Almost as soon as Alabama was recognized as a state in 1819, the influence of restoration began to be felt.” Mineral Springs (Brief History of the Ninth Avenue Church of Christ; Haleyville, Alabama… 1889 to 1989). One of the first congregations to meet in our area was the White House church that was established sometime between 1848 and 1860. Green Haley was the preacher. The city of Haleyville is indebted to Haley’s son, Charles, for his help in planting the Lord’s church here. Haleyville was incorporated in 1889, and the church started meeting in the town that same year. According to a 1929 directory, this work was started by C. A. Wheeler, T. C. King, and E. G. Sewell. The first building was of wood-frame construction with a steeple and a bell, and it was located in the Mineral Springs neighborhood, just across the street from the Mineral Springs Hotel.
Early 1900's
In 1913, the church moved into a larger building that sat on the corner of Ninth Avenue and Byler Road.
The first elders of the local church were appointed shortly after that time. They were: W. W. Haley, Whitt Sparks, and J. A. Holland. W. W. Heflin moved to Haleyville from Murray, Kentucky in 1928. Though others had visited Haleyville to preach the gospel from time to time, Heflin was the first located preacher for the Ninth Avenue church.
The first elders of the local church were appointed shortly after that time. They were: W. W. Haley, Whitt Sparks, and J. A. Holland. W. W. Heflin moved to Haleyville from Murray, Kentucky in 1928. Though others had visited Haleyville to preach the gospel from time to time, Heflin was the first located preacher for the Ninth Avenue church.

Later 1900's
The church began to worship in her present facilities in 1949. W. C. Quillen was her preacher and he had been in Haleyville for five years. Serving 28 years, brother Quillen had the longest tenure of any preacher for Ninth Avenue.
21st Century
The congregation of the Lord’s people that meet for worship on the corner of Ninth Avenue and Twenty Third Street saw its growth in membership force a growth in physical facilities as the 21st century began. Construction that began in 2000 was completed in September of 2001. The result was a new auditorium, offices, restrooms, and nursery. The addition joined the existing structure at the end of the education building and “fellowship room.” It consists of approximately 12,000 square feet of space and an auditorium that seats as many as 670.
Site preparation work began in September of 2007 for the construction of a new fellowship hall. Actual construction of the building began in October of 2007, with the pouring of footers. The new fellowship hall is 60′ X 90′, which means a total of 5,400 square feet. It is a free-standing, brick building connected to the main facility with a breeze way. The new building faces Ninth Avenue and is located between the new and old auditoriums. The Ninth Avenue congregation inaugurated the new fellowship hall on August 2, 2008.
As we continued to grow in our effort to serve our community, in March 2020 we began construction on a new youth building. It is now in use and is located in the rear parking area adjacent to 23rd Street.
Site preparation work began in September of 2007 for the construction of a new fellowship hall. Actual construction of the building began in October of 2007, with the pouring of footers. The new fellowship hall is 60′ X 90′, which means a total of 5,400 square feet. It is a free-standing, brick building connected to the main facility with a breeze way. The new building faces Ninth Avenue and is located between the new and old auditoriums. The Ninth Avenue congregation inaugurated the new fellowship hall on August 2, 2008.
As we continued to grow in our effort to serve our community, in March 2020 we began construction on a new youth building. It is now in use and is located in the rear parking area adjacent to 23rd Street.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:25 am and 6:00 pm.