"Who Touched Me?"

Apr 28, 2024    Matthew Balentine

In Mark 4-5, we delve into the fast-paced narrative of Jesus' ministry, exploring the transformative power of faith. Mark portrays Jesus as a dynamic figure, always on the move to fulfill his divine mission. From calming the sea to healing the demon-possessed and raising the dead, Jesus embodies compassion and authority.

We witness two profound encounters: Jairus, a synagogue leader, seeks Jesus' help for his dying daughter, while an unnamed woman, afflicted for 12 years, reaches out in faith to touch Jesus' cloak, seeking healing. Both stories illustrate the diversity and depth of faith, from the public plea of Jairus to the quiet desperation of the woman.

Jesus responds to their faith with miracles, demonstrating his limitless power and boundless compassion. Despite skepticism and ridicule, Jesus raises the dead girl, affirming the transformative potential of unwavering faith.

Key Takeaways:

1. **Faith Comes in Different Forms:** Whether bold or subtle, faith drives miraculous encounters with Jesus.

2. **Jesus Responds to Faith:** Regardless of the circumstances, Jesus honors genuine faith with transformative power.

3. **Believe in the Power of Jesus:** Trusting in Jesus unlocks the potential for healing, restoration, and spiritual growth.

In our journey of faith, let's embrace the diversity of experiences and trust in Jesus' power to transform our lives. Through faith, we can overcome challenges, find healing, and experience the boundless love of our Savior.


Please join us in person at the Ninth Avenue Church, located in Haleyville, Alabama.

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The song "The Ode to Joy" is used pursuant to a license issued by Envato Elements.